Is it not funny that we preach about the uniqueness of each human being and yet try to follow the norms so that you could easily blend into the society? Who told you that its 'not so good' to stand out in the crowd? Why is an intelligent child branded 'autistic' just because he lacks the social skills? Since when did we 'need' to artificially cut the umbilical chord after birth? Who decided the rights and wrongs of social co-existence? How many of us really are aware that the oxygen supplied from the placenta makes it much easier for the child to adapt from the watery womb to dry land. So why do we follow a 'clamp upon emergence' protocol and assault the child as a welcome gesture to this so called beautiful experience of life. Why do you want your child to be welcomed with these 'earthly' gestures just because every other person is? Conformism is so much part of us that we never deviate into the"why's" of the "What's...
All fresh thoughts from life.