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Showing posts from June, 2014
Fare thee well, our mentor gone I w onder how fully we understand The part you played in our BBA band Your presence made us PACEans proud A name concurred by your gentle nod Remember your eyes jut out with pride Every other time we got it right   A real management class you took us through Always taking time for an extra mile too To ensure the class moved levels high Than the pioneers of UIT could ever sight A group who knew not why they were herd You showed us light for a whole life ahead   You taught us to stand in front and talk To sit as team and spark our thoughts Respect opinions and share what we knew In ways aplenty that to us were new You proved to live through bright and right And yet stay simple at heart with might   We never met back it feels so bad Since that farewell at the railways yard We all got caught on tickets not bought Some things I've learnt you'll never know To such place though I always go With tickets and thoughts of you to sh