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Showing posts from September, 2012

Unequal Equality

I remember a story I heard during my young age where the ants worked extremely hard during the summer so that they had enormous stocks to feed upon during the winters. And when the winter came the grasshoppers, who had failed to be proactive enough, conducted a ‘satyagraha’ outside the ants’ colony demanding a share of the grains. The media created havoc with footage of lean grasshoppers fighting the cold around the world while the ants were cozy within their colonies with enough and more nutritional sources. The human rights activists rushed to the help of the grasshoppers. And I believe they were right to an extent. Weren’t the grasshoppers denied the opportunity to those particular grains because the ants had been smart enough to carry them to their colonies! The politicians grabbed the opportunity of a ‘bandh’ while the most intelligent of the lot happily queued for their share of nutrition from the beverages corporation! Nutrition surely is a fundamental right! Right? Follo...

Tied Down No More!

It was not long ago I remember someone saying that he had to stay back at home since he was expecting a phone call! It is not long since someone asked me to go ahead while he jotted down some points from the references in the library! I remember how we would eagerly wait for weeks till the postman shows up with the letter we badly wanted to read! And I know how it feels to not be able to share with friends the news about a new acquisition just because schools were closed for vacations! Being sandwiched between times when technology was more mechanical and when it evolved into more user friendly and activity engaging gadgets, I understand how liberating it is to have a phone that goes with you rather than you waiting alone for it to ring! People, like me, enjoy sharing a cup of coffee with our best buddies while ‘wiki’-ing on our notepad the info we need for an assignment. We find it enjoyable to have another browser tab to share a photo we just clicked. And it is ecstasy when we...