The entire monetary system is built on just one simple thing – Trust. The trust people have in the promise written across that little piece of paper is what makes our banknotes valuable. And the entire system works on this one emotion that cuts across all strata of the society. Just a few days ago this very Trust was brought to test. The Government decided to suck-in around 85% of currency in circulation. And overnight, an enormous chunk of banknotes ceased to be legal tender. While a large majority of us hailed the decision for numerous reasons, most failed to see the emotional turmoil in billions of eyes whose ‘Trust’ in the system had been questioned. Thousands of people frantically ran through hospital doors because the money they had withdrawn for their loved one’s treatment just turned into sheets of printed paper. The domestic worker who had an ID in her village thousands of miles away. The daily labourer who crossed state borders with a hope of making a livi...
All fresh thoughts from life.