Within just a few hours of LALISM, social media exploded
with some exceptionally high levels of talent. Probably something Kerala has
never ever been able to showcase in any domain during the recent past. You
don’t understand? Have you ever heard of the pass percentage of the engineering
colleges in our State! Or for that matter have you spoken to any industrialist about
the kind of kids who pass out of our ‘professional’ colleges and on how employable
their talents are! Ok. Ok. I know that we Keralites just dont appreciate these
blood sucking industrialists who focus on squeezing the blood and sweat from us
to make profits! We need them only for the donations for some stupid, unproductive
and illogical cause!
So, shall we talk directly to these youngsters in the global language? Just to see how well we can communicate our ideas and concepts to the world. Oops! I just forgot! We are proud of our mother tongue right? It is just against our good old culture and traditions to be speaking a foreign language! Anyways we are not going to cry out in English when a dog is chasing us! Ok! Ok! So shall we have the conversation in the classical language? With really good rhyming words that make some really good sense? Can we speak in a way that brings out the real essence of our wonderful language? No? You can’t do that too! But! I was hoping you were at the least excellent in your mother tongue! No? You don’t like that either?
Ok. I’ll stop being sarcastic and acting like the odd man out! Let’s give these guys some credit. Actually they put in all that effort to synthesize pictures and dialogues and come out with so many different funny ways to prove their point of disapproval about the whole LALISM thing. I do admit of laughing out loud at some of them. Ah! Yes! My ROFL moment came when one guy was confused if COMUNISM was actually a music band by the Communists! Yes. I do agree that if you start thinking beyond, you might find this an intriguing question. And the way some political leaders behave these days, you would only be Left more confused! Let’s leave that for another time.
Actually I am right now more interested in looking through the LALISM creative’s. The actual message was loud and clear and was just in front of all of us! LALETTEN is a brilliant actor who has given us such unbelievably good on-screen performances and quite a lot many of his dialogues still ring a bell in our hearts! Just because I am yet to get out of the hangover of delivering a vote of thanks speech in a very memorable private event, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all these creative ‘heads’ of Kerala for giving back the good memories of LALETTEN’S super hit movies! This was probably the biggest celebration in the history of our state if we are willing to ignore the time when we got our first communist government.
And if we failed to see that real message, it is just an effect of the dwindling talents that I talked about earlier. I do feel sad for this. But I am surely not amused. Coz we live in a place where our leaders have the audacity to come up with some ridiculously creative solutions to the extremely low pass out rates in our professional colleges - Dilute the eligibility parameters for admissions!
This is also the first time ever that I can remember Kerala celebrating
something without liquor. And I believe that is what makes this whole thing much
more appreciable! Did I mention liquor? Oh! God! Should I have touched the
topic that has so much of MANISM! I hope I am not arrested or beaten up.
Probably I could fool them to believe that
I was just refering to the gender biased
But now that I’ve touched the topic, let me tell you that it amuses me as to why these creative ‘heads’ never woke up to MANISM! It is actually a sad reality that they choose to be silent. Coz if at all they had chosen otherwise, that could have sparked the change that we all have been waiting for long. It could have been the first step towards the change that would lead us into a better world of good leaders with ethical values, unflinching principles and genuine social commitment. Yeah! Sort of like the dreams during the 1857 Sepoy Revolt!
Ok. I know! Let me get out of this dream sequence of a better world for our future generations. MJ has already done an excellent job at that with his ‘Heal the World’ and ‘Earth Song’.
On a serious note, did you ever wonder why our creative
‘heads’ never show this vigour in any of the ISM’s that Kerala witnesses almost
every now and then? I’ll just try to be as precise as I can with the latest in
the series. MANISM was about someone’s gain and LALISM was about someone’s
loss. And sadly we have always and will always continue to be interested in the
Asatoma Satgamaya! Yeah! Yeah! I Know that!